There is so much I want to tell you on your 18th birthday. The law says that legally you are a man now and honestly...that sends me into a panic because I feel like there is so much that I've neglected to say or teach you. Life is sooo fast. I swear you were just born last Sunday. On Tuesday you were climbing on to the roof when we weren't looking. And just yesterday it seems you were asking me to help you build a jet pack in the garage. It happened too fast and I'm not ready for you to be 18! I think that most advice a parent gives an 18 year old is swiftly forgotten. But maybe if I write it down, you can keep it and read it again occasionally and one day you might find some wisdom in it.
Noah, you have so much potential. Please don't settle for average. Please don't settle for what is easy or safe. The world can be scary. Life isn't fair. But I'm going to tell you a secret. We are all pretending. It's true. We are all scared. We are just guessing at the answers and nobody is as cool or confident as you think they are. We all wear masks when we go out in the world, Noah.
Smile. You don't do it often enough but you light up the room when you do. One day a girl is going to fall in love with you because of that smile.
Remember...Look people in the eye and give a firm handshake. I can't explain it but trust me. (it's a guy thing)
Make friends with all types of people and keep your eyes and mind open to everyone. Sometimes, the coolest friends are hiding in the oddest people.
Don't be afraid of strong women. If you find one that falls in love with your smile...make sure she is your equal and marry her.
Dance. I don't dance but I regret it. You'll always be popular with the ladies if you aren't afraid to dance. You don't even have to be good! Just don't be afraid!
Be proud of who you are. You are part of me - you are part of Mom. You are part of your grandparents. You are part of a thousand people who were born and lived and loved and died and passed a part of themselves on to create something Remember that and pass it on.
Trash talking is over rated. Be humble, be gracious.
You are the only person on this planet who has sole custody of your life. Your particular life. Your entire life. Not just your life at school, or work, or the life in your mind. You are in charge of the life of your heart...your soul. I know that you tend to dismiss anything that can't be proven with science Noah, but it's your soul that truly defines who you are. It's your soul that will give you comfort when you're sad, or scared, or lonely. There really is something in the universe that is bigger than we are. Please be receptive and open to it when it comes to you.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. You will not understand this until years from now - but try. Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Love it. Take care of it. It's the best thing you'll ever own.
Care about people. Really work at it if you have to. Don't dismiss their interests, music, religion, games or friends. It's a small world when you only put your happiness at the top.
Remember the compliments. Forget the insults.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Hug your father. Men should never be ashamed to show love. Hug your mother. She's the first woman that ever loved you. Understand that they are human and try to forgive their mistakes. Be nice to your brother and sister (even when it's hard!). Visit them and talk about the times when you were kids. They're your best link to the past and the people that will most likely stick with you in the future.
Do what makes you happy. Be yourself. It's OK to follow the beat of a different drummer as long as you remain a part of the world. Don't give up too easily, Noah. Be willing to invest the time to achieve your goals. Be honest. Talk is cheap. If you say you are going to do something - do it. Living your life with integrity and honesty is the only way to live. People will respect you for it but more importantly, you'll respect yourself. Always do your best.
I believe in you , Noah. Believe in yourself.
I love you,