Thursday, November 13, 2008


That's what my recent company health screening said I was. The Body Mass Index (BMI) scale says that below 20 is under-weight. 20 to 25 is normal. 25 to 30 is pre-obese. And over 30 is obese. I was 25.2. They couldn't say "higher than normal" or "over-weight". Maybe they use the term pre-obese for the shock effect. If so, it's working.

Although I stay relatively active, I will admit that I currently weigh more than I ever have before. The scale this week says I am 193 pounds. I was 17 when I reached my current height of 5'10". At the time I was wrestling at 132lbs. A few years later I was running marathons at 153lbs. I got married at 160lbs. At 25, I started lifting weights and put on a little muscle and felt good at about 170lbs. That's where I should have stopped. But I've averaged about a pound a year ever since.

Pre-obese? Seriously?

I've decided I'm going to get back to about 175. I've made those goals before and I can drop 10 pounds relatively easy. I was 10 pounds lighter than this for my triathlon just 4 months ago. But keeping it off is always the hard part. Maybe writing it down publicly will help.

So here it is. I will weigh 175 pounds by May 30, 2009. That's just a loss 3 pounds a month. Should be a piece of that rice cake.

1 comment:

Todd Barney said...

You did not mention that you were pre-obese while you were in Utah. We could have adjusted our eating habits for you. I guess you have seen that the start time for the Spudman sign-up is Jan 5th at noon. Decreases the odds a bit.