Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Still Dog Sitting

The dogs haven't torn up the house again and have managed to leave their poop outdoors. But pooping outdoors brings up another subject. I'm supposed to pick it up! These are very large dogs with very large poops. My little bichon frise has very little bichon poops that stay in our yard and my kids pick it up with a shovel after it is hard and cold.

But there is no fenced yard here, so 3 times a day I have to leash them up and walk them long enough until their bowels loosen up and they can do their business in public. And in a civilized society you are expected to pick it up(still warm and steamy) with a very thin plastic bag. You can feel the temperature and the texture of the brown deposit. Once you have something like that in your hand, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, right? But you can't. You have to carry it back 100 yards for proper deposit in your garbage can. But it's difficult with a leash in each hand and I don't want to stick it in my pocket. The other morning the dogs tried to jump on an old lady getting her newspaper. I had to sit on the ground with a bag of warm poop twirling around my wrist to keep from getting drug across the snow. I could feel the stuff in the bag squishing between the leash and my wrist while the old woman screamed. I'm still traumatized. She might be too.

Here's my confession. I still take the dogs for a walk with a plastic bag in my pocket. After they poop, I assume neighbors might be watching, so I make a big production of taking out my bag and shaking it out and bending over the poop. But instead of picking it up, I push snow over the top of it and hide it.

We've had over a hundred inches of snow already. My treachery won't be discovered until April!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest a smaller breed or a move to Alaska where the doo doo often freezes instantly and can be handled without the squish factor.