Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pulling Teeth

Its wisdom teeth time at my house. With the threat of lay offs everywhere, I decided it would be prudent to get any possible medical issues taken care of while I still had insurance. It was Noah’s turn yesterday.

I took the day off, loaded up on soft food and took him into the oral surgeon at 11:00. At 12:15 a nurse brought him out in a wheelchair and said everything went fine. I looked at Noah and raised and eyebrow. He was drooling and babbling incoherently. So I told her, “This isn’t the same boy I turned over to you.”

She laughed and assured me that the reaction to the anesthesia was normal and he just needed to sleep it off. We managed to get his coat on and wheeled him outside to the mini-van. He kept talking nonsense while I swung by the pharmacy for the Vicodin and mouth rinse and took him home and tucked him in bed. His last word was “dog” as Mario nuzzled him and he went to sleep. He woke at about 4:00 and had no memory of anything after he walked back to the operation room until he woke up at home.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to sleep through every unpleasant event in your life? Just wake up and say, “well that’s over with!” I think anesthesia should be administered a lot more liberally.

Samantha’s turn tomorrow. Hopefully it goes just as easy.


john & natalie said...

Good times in the Crocker home.

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like me after my root canal years ago.

Todd Barney said...

Danny was hilarious after his wisdom tooth removal. Cathy actually filmed him for a while so we could all enjoy his drug induced happiness.

BTW felvamar is my word verification. Is that really a word?