We were discussing American Idol last week and he insisted that he could have been a singing star if I hadn't crushed his dream in 1981. I won't say that he has an inflated opinion of his talents because that would just be being cruel to him all over again. And besides, I'm no singing judge. Maybe Simon would have loved him.
Anyway here's my confession...
I lived with Troy in an awful single wide trailer just off campus. I don't remember the details but apparently there was a college sponsored talent contest coming up and Troy had entered it to sing. He was in the trailer alone and I was coming home with a date. As soon as we were within 50 feet of the trailer we heard the verses of "Endless Love" and they weren't coming from the stereo.
We started laughing until I put a finger to my lips and we tip toed up the steps and looked through the window. Troy was laying on the couch. He had his eyes closed and one finger in his ear (I don't know why) and he was singing his heart out. He was singing from the bottom of his diaphragm.
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one,
Our lives have just begun.
We watched for about half a minute until we couldn't take it anymore and threw the door open and started singing with him. He jumped up and started stammering an explanation but I couldn't hear it because I was literally on the floor laughing. Now understand...there was nothing wrong with his singing. He wasn't bad, but the situation begged for some teasing. Sure...it sounds mean now but we were college roommates and that's what guys do. If he wanted emotional support he should have joined a sorority.
So I ribbed him for a couple of days and he didn't enter the contest. This week he finally pointed out that I probably wrecked his singing career by mocking him. So here you go Troy....I am sorry. When my daughter gets married, I want you to sing Endless Love at her wedding.
There...anyone else need an apology?

Troy Stout could have been the 1st Clay Aiken if I hadn't interfered.
OK. That is too funny! I can not wait to meet Troy; and, hopefully he will also allow me to hear his rendition of Endless Love!! I always say it takes a real man to feel secure enough in his manhood to wear pink...and sing with one hand over his ear!!!!!
I sat next to Troy in acapella choir at good old HHS. He was a fine singer. I always thought he plugged one ear to avoid hearing my voice. He still belts out the occasional Simon and Garfunkel or Queen tune while mountain biking. I am able to steer through the distraction and I think it acts as mountain lion repellent so I dont complain. FYI Troy may have a mancrush on the guy with black fingernails on American Idol.
Dad - his name is Adam, get with it. It's really too bad the cut off age for American Idol is 30 or I'd be begging Troy to try out next year.
Two things
First, I remember this clearly. In fact I thought about it just the other day and laughed alone in the car. I was there. I think we were coming home to the trailer together. I remember Troy being very defensive about it for days, explaining the professionalism of his covering-the-ear technique.
Second, even though we made fun of Troy, I can sympathize. Jim snuffed out my songwriting career when I was 7 or 8. I had started writing a song that was going to be about a soldier in Vietnam. Jim found the few lyrics I had started, he laughed, and I quit. Who knows, Peter, Paul, and Mary might have picked it up.
I just realized how funny it is that you were taking a date home to your single wide trailer :)
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