Friday, April 15, 2011

So I wrote a book...

...actually, WE wrote a brother and I. We spent a few years and several hundred hours writing it. We wrote, we edited, we wrote, we argued, we criticized, we joined writers clubs, we wrote, we researched, we threw things, we quit, we accepted advice, we met with agents and publishers, we won an award, we laughed about lame love scenes, we wrote and we were ulimately rejected for publication.

But NOW! But now anybody can publish anything online. I can upload the phone book to Amazon and slap a $2.99 price tag on it and you can download it to your e-reader. So although we were rejected by publishers across the globe, YOU can can restore my self esteem and talk me down from this bridge by purchasing my book. You can restore your friend's self confidence for only $2.99. This is less than a penny a page for the greatest novel of our generation! Let's see...if I have to give Amazon 30% of the proceeds, that leaves $2.09 for the authors. And I can keep it all for myself if I can keep it from Rick that I've published this thing after we gave up 5 years ago. (shhhhh.....don't tell him) And if I can convince just ten of you to buy it, I can eat breakfast at Village Inn and still be able to leave a generous tip! That means I will have earned about 40 cents a month for the time I spent writng it. Of course, all of these calculations get cut in half if Rick finds out what I'm doing. Shhhhhh.....

Here is the link

If you are still unconvinced, please read the testimonials below.

"This is a book" Todd Barney

"Please stop calling me" Steven King

"I have a dream" Martin Luther King

"I'm the more talented brother." Mike Crocker

"I'm callling the police if you don't get off my porch." John Grisham

"I've seen worse." Thomas Monson

"You'll pay me how much to say what?" Samantha Crocker

So there you go...what's stopping you? What's it about? It's a mystery that spans 135 years of a prominant Colorado family. There's war, poverty, love, betrayal, murder and redemption. There are no sex scenes because writing them made us giggle.



john & natalie said...

You have been supported. I hope there are lots of swear words.

Jim Crocker said...

Hell Yes!! Thanks Natalie!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog the same day you wrote it for once. I want my $1.05.
Sorry, Natalie - no swearing.
P.S. Anyone who helps us make this go viral might get a free hard copy - autographed!