Samantha is home for the summer! I'm completely enjoying her company and she makes a mean sandwich. However, the original plan was for her to live rent free while she worked and saved some money. Unfortunately, her promised job fell through so she's only accomplishing the rent free part of the plan.
The long Keystone winters have taken a toll on the exterior of my house and the paint is peeling in several areas. This is not a good look when your home is on the market. (Five bedrooms of mountain paradise if you are interested!)
Obviously, these two problems needed to be introduced. Unemployed daughter meet unpainted house. It's a big job. The walls need to be powerwashed. The peeling areas need to be sanded. Colors need to be chosen. Primer needs to be applied. Ladders need to be climbed and brushes need to be washed. She does a little a day and she's doing a good job. I'm doing the really high spots for her because if a broken neck is part of this project, I'd rather it be on me instead of her.
It feels like I'm living in a new house and she has new skills for her resume'. It's called a "win/win".
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